Д10 - Девочки до 10 лет |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Александрова Алёна | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 2014 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Алексеева Рената | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2014 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Боронина Елизавета | 52_Гарант-ЦМИКИ, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2016 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Майорова Анастасия | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 2014 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Плис Виталина | 52_СШ 12 Плис И.А, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2018 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Черемушкина Дарья | 52_Knjagininskij rajon, personal | none | 2017 | Pay on the spot |
Д11-13 - Девочки 11-13 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Маркелова Екатерина | 52_СШ 12 Плис И.А, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2013 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Маркелова Елена | 52_СШ 12 Плис И.А, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Семёнова Павлина | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | I | 2012 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Таланцева Алена | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2012 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Чернова Анастасия | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
Д14-17 - Девушки 14-17 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Владимирова Елизавета | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Грачева Дарья | 52_СШ 12 Плис И.А, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2008 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Марисова Кристина | 52_СШ 12 Плис И.А, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2008 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Сарамбаева Валерия | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Семёнова Арина | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | I | 2009 | Pay on the spot |
Ж18-34 - Женщины 18-34 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Плис Ирина | 52_СШ 12 Плис И.А, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 1992 | Pay on the spot |
Ж35-39 - Женщины 35-39 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Боронина Екатерина | 52_Гарант-ЦМИКИ, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 1987 | Pay on the spot |
Ж40-44 - Женщины 40-44 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Голубева Алевтина | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 1980 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Пархоменко Елена | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 1980 | Pay on the spot |
Ж45-49 - Женщины 45-49 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Зырянова Марина | 52_СК "Камнеград-НН", Nizhnij novgorod | none | 1979 | Pay on the spot |
Ж50-54 - Женщины 50-54 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Державина Ольга | 52_Gazprom triathlon team, Arzamas | none | 1974 | Pay on the spot |
Ж55+ - Женщины 55+ |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Данилова Наталья | 52_СК "Камнеград-НН", Nizhnij novgorod | none | 1968 | Pay on the spot |
М10 - Мальчики до 10 лет |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Карачев Владислав | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 2018 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Кронштатов Севастьян | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 2020 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Майоров Иван | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 2016 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Мясников Никита | 52_Myasnikov-team, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2018 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Никольский Макар | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 2020 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Палехов Серафим | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 2016 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Рогов Николай | 52_Nizhegorodskaja bogorodskij rajon, personal | none | 2014 | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Семенов Арсений | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 2021 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Скворцов Александр | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2014 | Pay on the spot |
М11-13 - Мальчики 11-13 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Белов Артем | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2012 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Белов Роман | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2012 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Карачев Виталий | 52_СШ 12 Плис И.А, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Кокушкин Павел | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2013 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Корпус Максим | 52_Nizhegorodskaja bogorodskij rajon, personal | none | 2013 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Рогов Михаил | 52_Nizhegorodskaja bogorodskij rajon, personal | none | 2012 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Самойлов Артем | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2012 | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Семянов Данил | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Соловьёв Андрей | 52_Knjagininskij rajon, personal | none | 2013 | Pay on the spot |
10 | | Черемушкин Даниил | 52_Knjagininskij rajon, personal | none | 2013 | Pay on the spot |
М14-17 - Юноши 14-17 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Беляев Александр | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2008 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Рогов Иван | 52_Nizhegorodskaja bogorodskij rajon, personal | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Теранов Дамиан | 52_камнеград, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2008 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Шевелев Егор | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
М18-34 - Мужчины 18-34 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Басов Дмитрий | 33_СШ "Верба", Muromskij rajon | II | 2006 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Куликов Роман | 52_СК "Камнеград-НН", Sarov | none | 1994 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Самойлов Кирилл | 12_Горномарийский ЦРФКС, Gornomarijskij rajon | I | 2006 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Терганов Даниил | 52_камнеград, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 2004 | Pay on the spot |
М35-39 - Мужчины 35-39 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Бойченко Владимир | 77_district Sao, personal | none | 1989 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Мясников Леонид | 52_Myasnikov-team, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 1989 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Плис Святослав | 52_СШ 12 Плис И.А, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 1989 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Стручков Денис | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 1987 | Pay on the spot |
М40-44 - Мужчины 40-44 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Данилов Илья | 52_Knjagininskij rajon, personal | none | 1982 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Карачев Владимир | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 1984 | Pay on the spot |
М45-49 - Мужчины 45-49 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Кулаков Василий | 52_Nizhegorodskaja pavlovskij rajon, personal | none | 1976 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Ремизов Владислав | 52_СК "Камнеград-НН", Nizhnij novgorod | none | 1978 | Pay on the spot |
М50-54 - Мужчины 50-54 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Еллиев Ефрем | 52_Окский берег, Nizhegorodskaja bogorodskij rajon | none | 1972 | Pay on the spot |
М55-59 - Мужчины 55-59 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Газетов Андрей | 52_Run ski, Arzamas | III | 1969 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Соловьёв Владимир | 52_СК "Камнеград-НН", Nizhnij novgorod | III | 1968 | Payment waiting |
3 | | Терганов Алексей | 52_камнеград, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 1969 | Pay on the spot |
М65-69 - Мужчины 65-69 |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Трянин Виктор | 52_Гарант-ЦМИКИ, Nizhnij novgorod | none | 1958 | Pay on the spot |